Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd—CablePI (Wire Alert)

PRA number


Published date

Product description

CablePI is a device that detects an electrical fault known as a broken neutral and has been in use in Tasmania for almost five years.
Identifying features
Serial number ending in 13 (refer to notice attached)

Other identifying numbers

Serial number ending in 13 (refer to notice attached)

Reasons the product is recalled

In some circumstances, the device may overheat causing the outer case to distort and/or melt.

The hazards to consumers

The defect may cause smoke or ignite causing a fire.

What consumers should do

Consumers should immediately stop using any device with a serial number ending in 13. Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd should be contacted on 1300 361 811 (between 9am to 5pm AEDST) to arrange the return of the device and a replacement.

Traders who sold this product

The device was distributed by Aurora Energy Pty Ltd ACN 082 464 622 (Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd has now taken responsibility for CablePI (Wire Alert) devices)

Where the product was sold


Dates available for sale


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category