NSW: Warning about the use of inflatable air loungers in water


NSW Fair Trading is warning consumers against using inflatable air loungers in water following reports of near drownings. 

Inflatable air loungers are fabric tubes that are inflated to form a lounge or bed. They can be used as an alternative to other furniture, and may have an internal plastic liner in addition to an external covering. 

Inflatable air loungers may also be marketed as air sofas or inflatable furniture under a range of brand names, including being sold on-line and from overseas suppliers.

There have been a number of reports of the lining of inflatable air loungers splitting while being used in water, presenting a drowning hazard. 

These reports are being reviewed by Commonwealth, State and Territory product safety regulators under the leadership of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. 

Product safety regulators have met to review safety concerns, and are making enquiries with relevant suppliers, international product safety regulators and others to help inform and implement an appropriate response to any product safety concerns.

At this time, product safety regulators including NSW Fair Trading are warning consumers not to use inflatable air loungers as flotation devices in water, including in pools. 

Adults are urged to take steps to remove inflatable air loungers from locations in or around water (including pools) and to ensure they are not used by children as flotation devices.

Consumers are encouraged to report any incidents resulting from the use of an inflatable air lounge online to the ACCC at www.accc.gov.au; or by telephone to NSW Fair Trading on 13 32 20.

Responsible regulator

Product category