Sunbeam—Removable 3-Heat Electric Blanket Control

PRA number


Published date

Product description

Supplied with Sunbeam Electric Blanket Models: BL2121, BL2151, BL2321, BL2351, BL2421, BL2431, BL2451, BL2471, BL2521, BL2531, BL2551, BL2571, BL2721, BL2751 and BL2771. Sold in Australia during 2001 and 2002.
Identifying features
BL2121, BL2151, BL2321, BL2351, BL2421, BL2431, BL2451, BL2471, BL2521, BL2531, BL2551, BL2571, BL2721, BL2751 and BL2771

Other identifying numbers

BL2121, BL2151, BL2321, BL2351, BL2421, BL2431, BL2451, BL2471, BL2521, BL2531, BL2551, BL2571, BL2721, BL2751 and BL2771

Reasons the product is recalled

There is a possibility that the white plastic casing may separate, which may cause the control to cease operating and may expose live 240V internal components. This is caused by the fastening mounts cracking as a result of the screws being over-tightened.

The hazards to consumers

Electric shock.

What consumers should do

Consumers who have affected controls should cease using the controls and contact the Recall Information line on 1300 138 774 for information on the procedure for return and replacement. This line is open from 8am to 6pm EST, 7 days.


Sunbeam Corporation Limited

Where the product was sold


Responsible regulator

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category