K Care Healthcare Solutions Pty Ltd t/as Independent Healthcare Solutions — KM8020 III Karma Eagle Wheelchair

PRA number


Published date

Product description

KM8020 III Karma Eagle Wheelchair

Multiple serial numbers (see serial number list)

ARTG 182294
(Independent Healthcare Solutions - Wheelchair, attendant/occupant driven)

Model numbers: KM8020Q-14/ KM8020Q-16/ KM8020Q-1618/ KM8020Q-18/ KM8020Q-1818

Photograph of KM8020 III Karma Eagle Wheelchair
Identifying features

Reasons the product is recalled

While the sticker on the wheelchair correctly identifies the maximum user weight (130kg), the user manual supplied with these wheelchairs is incorrect. It states the maximum user weight is 160kg. The manual should state 130kg as the correct user weight.

The hazards to consumers

Users may be misinformed about the safe user weight of the chair, increasing the risk that the user may be seriously injured if the wheelchair breaks or collapses, or if the user falls out of the chair.

What consumers should do

Consumers should discard the old user manual and contact Independent Healthcare Solutions to arrange to replace it with a new user instruction manual.

For more details, see https://apps.tga.gov.au/Prod/sara/arn-detail.aspx?k=RC-2022-RN-01216-1

For further information, contact Independent Healthcare Solutions on 1300 783 783.

Traders who sold this product

Healthcare equipment retailers and rehabilitation services

Where the product was sold

New South Wales

Responsible regulator

Therapeutic Goods Administration is the responsible regulator for this recall.

Product category